Tuesday, November 26, 2019

OSI Model Reflection

OSI Model Layers

What have I learned?

I learned that OSI ( Open System Interconnection) which was created by the ISO (International Organization for Standardization ) is very important for a Network or Communication and Connection between nodes or Computers. The data that will be transmitted or transferred from a node to another will go through the seven layers.

How can I describe each of the layers of the model?

There are seven layers of the OSI model namely:

  1. Physical - Physical Mediums( Cable, Hub, etc. ), Method of representing bits.
  2. Data-Link - Detection of any possible errors, flow control on the physical link.
  3. Network - The addressing of the network: routing and switching.
  4. Transport - End-to-end error control.
  5. Session - Here is the authentication, permissions, and session restoration.
  6. Presentation - Binary coding, encryption, and compression.
  7. Application - The application will convert binary codes to Human Readable information.
Scenario Application of OSI Model:

 Just like food delivery, there are processes for delivering the  Package to a Customer and that delivery/ies will undergo the process just like the data transmission through the seven layers of the model.



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